Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A tragic death took place at Fannie Bay races on Saturday and failed to rate a mention in the media . The victim could not be revived by St John's Ambulance paramedics because they had RUN over the poor little blighter . According to a mug punter who has a pet Cockatoo called Dame Leonie , the sad event took place during the running of the last race. Across the track trotted a family- mother , father and two children. It was your average Plover family out living dangerously . One of the two tiny chicks went straight ahead and was run down by the ambulance. The other chick did an about face and scampered back across the track. The Darwin Turf Club may have to buy a brace of Andean Condors to make sure the track is clear of Avian obstacles in future race meets. Paramedics should be warned about dancing balls of cotton . Who knows, Plovers and the dangers they pose might be on the agenda of next month's AGM of the Racehorse Owners' Association of the NT?.