Darwin resident is musing over a flight from Melbourne to Darwin on Tiger. The basic terminal was jam - packed like a convention of jostling terracotta warriors . Once aboard the kite, it was announced that due to headwinds extra fuel was needed, so five passengers would have to get off. Any volunteers ? Not a one . The last five passengers to board were jettisoned .
Some friends went to the Darwin Airport two weekends ago at the start of an overseas trip only to discover that there was a technical problem with the south bound Virgin plane . An engineer had to be flown in from Brisbane to certify the problem and another engineer was then brought from Melbourne with parts . More than 28 hours late, our travellers, satisfied about the way they were treated by the airline , accommodated and given a credit flight for later use, took off Along the way to Blighty they found security checks strict , thorough and touchy feely.