Sunday, May 17, 2020


Set in a cave like depression in a  well worn  monolith, in a secret and mind blowing  location in North Queensland ,  is  this  solitary carved  figure  which  seems  to  be  of   Buddha.
It  gives the  appearance of an ancient shrine , surrounded by spectacular  large and  small  rock  formations  which   rival  Egypt's  Valley  of  the  Pharaohs
With   piled up and weathered  rocks, this is one of the  grand views   to  be   had  from  near  The Enlightened One . There is a huge  jumble of rocks , below ,  at the entrance to  the  mysterious valley , a  photographer's  delight.

In part of the fabulous  valley , one of  our wandering photographers, Vallis,  claims  to have  found   a  burial cave containing   well  worn   stone  busts, below,  of  what could be  ancient  holy men .
We don't know if  he  has been getting about  in the sun  without his pith helmet  or if  he  has made an archaeological  find to rival that of  Howard   Carter  who discovered the tomb of  King Tutankhamen  in 1922.   What do you think , dear stunned  and  mummified reader ?  

FOOTNOTE : Fossicking  about the  valley, Vallis picked up interesting stones, seashells, pieces of  coral ,  a starfish  button  and  found   the base of  an old  Phillips and Stone   bottle , possibly  for   lemonade , made by  a  Bairnsdale , Victoria , cordial  company  , which  had a  bottling plant at Orbost that  closed in  the l970s. The names of people who had passed through the valley over the years, scratched  and painted on rocks , were also  photographed .