Friday, August 17, 2018


Putting the boot into  those who  fought in the Pacific.
With or  without  sauce in  the  Coral  Sea ?

During  the  week , across the  world , in  various parts  of  Australia, the 73rd anniversary of  Victory in  the  Pacific  was  marked, some with ceremonies  .   In Townsville , North Queensland, the  large  military garrison  city ,  its  inoperable ,  neglected  Victory in the  Pacific  Memorial Fountain  was   in a  new  disgraceful state , parts  of  a shoe , sticks , rubbish  and  pieces of  a  meat  pie   visible in  the  bottom chamber .   The  top  chamber, with  parts  missing and  bent , had a variety of rubbish  floating  about , the stonework stained by bird  droppings   and  fruit   from  a  nearby tree. 
The Townsville  ABC radio  station  cottoned onto  the fact , no doubt due to  the daily diary which  lists   dates  of  importance ,  that  August  15  was  the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Pacific . To mark the anniversary , for some strange  reason , apparently  oblivious  to the fact  that Townsville has a  Victory in the Pacific  fountain and  it looks as if it has  been bombed ,  the ABC  contacted  the  Queensland  RSL president  in  far  away  Brisbane . Why not the local  RSL  whose  premises, armed to the teeth with pokies,   are   bigger  than   the combined   largest  three  forts  on   the  Maginot  Line ?  
Lest  the  civic and  military organisations  forget  the Victory  in  the Pacific   fountain . 
Far flung readers of this  blog  know we  have  repeatedly pointed  out  the fountain  and  other   war  memorials in this city are  badly  neglected . It takes a  long time   to get  local  mugwumps to  respond . It  took a constant barrage by the  S(h)ipping Reporter and his pal Admiral Harry Harris , through this   blog,  to  get  remedial  action  to    fix up  the  neglected  giant anchor off  a  US aircraft carrier  which had been presented to  the  city of Townsville by the United  States of  America . 
 In the case of  the Victory in the Pacific  fountain , it is  No.1 on the city's Civic Pride  Trail. There is certainly nothing to be proud  about  in respect of  it and the surrounds . The   Townsville  media  pack,  sun-bleached  for longer than  the  Great Barrier   Reef ,  has  failed  to   notice   this   situation . In the case of the Murdoch Townsville  Bulletin, the fountain is a  short walk  from  its office , the paper recently  announced  its  reporters were going to get out  and  about  in  the city. Trot along  to  the   fountain  scribes  and   reveal  Townsville's long running  shame.

This  blog's S(h)ipping Reporter, the only one north of Kangaroo Island, uttered a  salty oath  when  he  also  heard  the ABC interview  with the  RSL official  . While there was  mention of  Townsville   being involved in the WWll  struggle,  the  ABC  did not  raise  the  disgraceful condition  of   Townsville's  own  Victory  in  the  Pacific  Memorial   Fountain .
Listeners  were  told   by the  RSL spokesman   he   thought it was desirable  that  the  sacrifice  of  all  and sundry in the  great conflicts  be made known to the community, spread  through  RSL sub branches . Townsville,  he assured , would  see   massive ceremonies  to  mark  the centenary   of   the  Armistice  in  November . The  question must be asked , will  the  fountain  be  cleaned up , operating  by  then ?
At the nearby bus shelter  there  were empty drink  containers  in the rafters , more and  more graffiti , rubbish  and  unsightly  stains  near  the  seating .
The overall  picture  is  a  Townsville disgrace  which  demands  prompt  action .