Wednesday, August 1, 2018


In an exclusive  report , Agriculture  CorrespondentArthur  Fallowfield , in Darwin ,  has  revealed  why Magnetic Island  is  being  tarted up , the  rusty  barricade   near  the ferry  terminal    replaced   to  partially   hide  the  long running   eyesore, "The Hole ."

Fallowfield  says he  thinks  the  answer   to  the  question  about    the  sudden    Spring cleaning on the island   lies  not  in  a pending royal visit  but  the  fact  that  the  Corteva  2018  Australian Melon Industry Conference and  Field Day , run  September 17-20,  will  kick off  with a  "Welcome Event "  on   " beautiful  Magnetic  Island . "

Seminars  will  be  hosted  by   Mercure   in  Townsville  where there will be   30  trade exhibitors.  It  just so happens that Mercure  has  apartments  in  a  block  known  locally   on  Magnetic Island  as  Alcatraz,  just behind  "The Hole ."

Topics covered   will  include  disease and   pest control , melon pollination , post harvest technologies , quality measurement and  food safety , the latter important after the  rock melon  scare.  A  field day will be  held   at  Ayr  where   4000 metres of   the latest melon varieties will be  on view  , with  demonstration blocks of  crop  protectorants  and  treatments.   Fallowfield's  revelation  will  undoubtedly disappoint  the   forelock  tugging  sector of  the  island  and mainland  community, but delight  all  the  in-house  melon  and  golden carrot  growers .