Sunday, March 27, 2016


With the help of Rupert Murdoch, the ABC , photographers and  cartoonists , this is an  exclusive  insight  into  the highlights of  the  former  exciting  life  of  a   deposed   Prime  Minister  who  now spends much  time feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square , London , discussing national security with  H. G. Nelson  on  his  column .
Shielded by bullet proof  flag waved by Peter Dutton , PM dodges Fairfax jihad.
Instead of going as Bananas in Pyjamas ,  former treasurer Joe  Hockey and  PM strike fear into the ABC and SBS  at  the   Canberra press gang  annual  fancy  dress  ball .
Devilish  cartoonist David Rowe , one of  the  Fairfax  jihadists, exposes the government's security obsession .

Dodging   tampon   terrorists  on  another  bad  Canberra  day .
PM  exercising  his  skill  at  policy making .  The same  monster has been  seen  chasing Malcolm Turnbull   at   Coogee where  a  tattooed  human   arm  was  found  in  the  shark  aquarium .    
Unsuspecting Abbott  on  the way to Waterloo  spill
Brer Rabbit  in  a  briar  filled  onion  patch 
On  your  bike  card  from  Amanda  Vanstone