Wednesday, March 2, 2016


CANBERRA : In  the latest Coalition leak, it has just been revealed that torpedoed  former PM Tony Abbott  was  recently  taken for a  test  dive  in Japan's  top secret  new age  submarine , shown here in our exclusive photograph , dethroned Mad Monk on the conning  tower in a sou'wester, holding his breath . The  frequent leaker , soon to see a urologist,  claims  Mr Abbott  told  the  Japanese the unusual colour of  the submarine would appeal to  sun loving Aussies ,  old  rock and roll voters  and  suggested  it  be  named Kanga Down  Under .

Meanwhile the much anticipated book  by Niki Savva    about Abbott  and Peta Credlin, The Road to Ruin,  is to be launched next week  by  veteran  journalist Laurie Oakes ... Beware the Ides of March , Tony .  It is evident the book will be like a  Pearl Harbour attack   on  Abbott's record as the Admiral of the Fleet , showing he was  not aware  he was standing on  the  burning, heaving  deck , his favourite  cabin  boy  suddenly  eating  sushi, most  of  the scurvy crew  about  to  jump  ship on inflatable, nuclear powered  bicycles  built  for two.
Goon Show type  cry : He  fell  in  the  water .