Monday, January 2, 2023


 When  Paul Keating  placed a  welcoming , guiding  hand  on  Queen  Elizabeth's back  , the Pommie tabloids went  berserk , called  him the  Lizard of  Oz . Right now , another notable  Aussie  is   so close to  the Queen of  the  Jungle   that  he  plays  with  her    hair !!!

He  is  that  dashing , likeable rogue, known  as  Cranky  Currawong ,above,  who  , unannounced  by  any  palace  flunkey, flew into the royal   estate  and  began to  dominate  it   during  the  festive  season . He seems to have    become  almost  as   popular  as  Sir   Francis  Drake   was   with  the  Virgin Queen .  

Audaciously,   he   regularly  lands on  the back of  the Queen's outside throne ,  reaches  over  and   plays  with  her  locks  ,  cheekily  following  up with  a  demand to  be   fed  choice   morsels   from  the  royal   pantry. 

Over  the  years   the  Queen  has   received  close  attention from   many    adoring  birds  . There  was , for  example ,  the  fledgling Torres Strait Pigeon, nicknamed  Miss  Wong,   who   liked  climbing onto  her  shoulder  for  a  cuddle. 

And who can  forget   that  salty  tongued  sailor, Larry the celebrity  Lorikeet , from   Mission Beach  , who  boarded  with the   Queen  several  times ? While residing in the royal  lodge   he  caused   confusion by imitating the ringing   of   a  telephone  and  loudly  muttering, "Bugger, bugger, bugger !" 

 Larry  , named after the cyclone in which he was  injured , was   a real  party  animal   and   is  shown above helping himself  to  nibbles aboard a  yacht , with   adoring   female  company.

Larry  was so popular he  had   rum named after him -Captain Larry-his smiling   portrait   on   the   label . 

A  Coucal  named  Dracula  ,on the prowl below,  used to call on  the  Queen ,but was asked to move on  after  taking  a  close  interest  in  her   jugular  vein  and  flashing  his  incisors .