Shipping Reporter comes ashore with a kitbag of yarns and exclusive photographs as Townsville Bulletin resumes chasing P3 girls on The Strand .
Odyssey returning from a short wander .
Surely worthy of P3 coverage in The Bulletin is this view of workers , some in the water, one possibly a female , repairing the much used boat ramp near the Townsville ferry terminal . One of the Ghost Fleet vessels in port at the same time was the oil and chemical tanker Sti Leblon , sailing under the Marshall Islands flag, Thinking the name may have a French derivation related to les blondes, possible P3 subjects for the Bully on The Strand , our waterfront roundsman , the only one north of the Great Australian Bight , punched the name into Google for a meaning and received an off - putting result. STI, it seems , is an abbreviation for a sexually transmitted infection , which obviously has nothing to do with the tanker .
Upcoming Shipping Reporter scoop , with pics : Stowaways on luxury vessel .