Monday, May 18, 2020


Top  Secret  Cosmic  Scoop

WASHINGTON : In a brilliant move, President Donald Trump plans to annexe  North Queensland  from   just  south  of  the Queen City of the North ,Townsville . In an exclusive interview with  Little Darwin's New York based  sober  political reporter, Jim Bean lll , the president  revealed  that  this part  of  the  Sunshine State has long interested him .

He would have annexed the Top End of the Northern Territory, but its  port  had already  been  sold  to the  Chinese , a  bizarre deal which he was  happy to say  had   upset  President  Obama . 

 Many  of  the revolting   residents  in North Queensland , he said , sounded  like  true  blue American  Republicans in the  Deep South .   He  was delighted to read  in  the Townsville Magpie  that  there  are   banjo-playing , bib'n'brace wearing   white yokels in the north who read wonderful Murdoch regional papers,  want to  form  a new state , shoot  all alligators , napalm  bats , build a wall  across the state  to  keep  out  diseased  Mexicans  from  New South Wales and  Victoria . 

"They  sound  like   salt of  the earth  people , simple folk ,  with reasonable requests , "  the president continued . He paused  to take a swig from a large, evil smelling concoction which he said was guaranteed to  make you  a new man .The  label on the bottle revealed  it was made in China  from  monkey glands ,  tiger penises and the pulsating brains of  live  bears . 
Clearing  his throat, with a  roar like a  pussycat , he continued by saying  his  wonderful scheme would  supercharge   the  Townsville and surrounding economy all the way up to the tip of  Cape York .  Thursday Island would not miss out on the bonanza  as he had  ordered   the US 7th Fleet to be based there in the near  future , much to the delight of the sailors.  

 He has already   issued instructions on twitter  to move  the White House, lock, stock  and  barrels of strawberry  flavoured   malaria  medicine  to  the top of Castle Hill , overlooking Townsville .  Other  fabulous   ideas  for  the  annexation  include : 

Establishment of a new export abattoir at Charters Towers  to specialise  in  the  Trump Rump , recently given the rhubarb treatment by vegans . It  is a well  known fact  that Donald has  been  masticating and beating  his  meat for  years .


  • A regular Miss South Pacific  Beauty Contest  in the  new Townsville stadium with very  little  social  distancing . 
  • Erection of   a  giant, illuminated  statue  in memory of   Sandshoe Annie   and  a  retirement  home for  Pelicans in Cairns . 

  • As usual , the president said he had sought guidance from  Fox News to flesh out and  guide his wonderful  plans for  Queensland .

    NEXT: Other Trump sensational plans for  North Queensland from our exclusive interview , including one which  will make Townsville  bigger than  Hollywood  and  Bollywood.