Saturday, July 27, 2019


CANBERRA : There are  growing reports here  that former  Prime Minister  Tony Abbott  has  fallen on tough times since  he lost his seat  of Warringah at the last  election .  According to award winning   political  reporter , Argus Tuft , Abbott , who became a cartoon character  because he got about his   electorate in  a  pair of sagging  budgie smugglers , will  soon become a  celebrity topless  waiter  in a  North Queensland  wine  bar  named  Smugglers  , its  emblem  a  Tory coloured  budgerigar.
The bar is under construction at Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island, described as   Townsville's  Jewel  in the  Crown .   Due to  a  touch  of  the   sun   because he was  such a  beach  bum ,   Prime Minister  Abbott  once knighted   the Queen's  escort, so an island with a  part royal name  would appeal .   Flexing his  hairy torso  in a  wine bar  might  cause  many drinkers to sign the Salvation Army  pledge.  A message  attached to the above sign says  the  Budgies are slowly smuggling  in  supplies in readiness for a  right  royal opening