Friday, February 8, 2019


 The  Fixer, Christophere  Pyne, has been  ordered  to  teach China a  lesson for  hacking the  parliament house  security system  .  In  this  exclusive  report    from  award winning   Canberra   political reporter, Argus Tuft, comes the  startling  news that we are   on  a   war  footing with  the  world's   most  powerful  short  soup  factory  and   shifter  of   sweet and  sour  South  China  Sea  sand .
Chairman  Po  face
The   ABC  took the incredible  action of  interrupting  the  Romper  Room  telecast   to  break the  serious  news that  Minister Pyne and  Peta the Pig are  advancing on the   Chinese Embassy  in  downtown  Canberra    in  a  Sherman   tank   borrowed  from  the  Australian  War  Memorial ,  with the intention of  demanding a stop  to  the  hacking  of  parliament  and a  return of  the   dirt  files, especially  the embarrassing Tory photographs .

Yummy Christopher 
Argus Tuft     further stunned   the nation    when  he  claimed  that if the  Chinese did not immediately    comply  with  his   demand ,    Pyne ,  known as the man with a  thousand  changeable Adelaide pie floater faces  , one oriental , above, would slip  into reverse and  crush the  media pack.

  Later, like Bond, he would  be  parachuted into  China   posing as  a  visiting   chopstick   and  fortune cookie  salesman  , even  a  Liberal Party candidate  blown off  course ,   with   instructions   to  undermine  the  Communist Party . This would be  achieved by distributing pamphlets    saying   that  Australia , which  is  failing  to  protect  one of the world's natural wonders, the   Great  Barrier   Reef , will  destroy  the  Great Wall of  China  in retaliation for  hacking  Canberra. 

 When  the Chinese  Secret Police  start to close in  on  Pyne, he will quickly  adopt  the appearance of  a  puffer   fish . There is a  certain amount of  danger in this guise as  some Chinese   love eating  puffers, even if  there is  a chance of  dying  . 
Not many people know that Christopher  plays the part of the green  Kraken  monster  in Mad as  Hell  in  which  he  jumps out of  cupboards and regularly  upsets a  top  Australian  naval  officer . 
Over  acting  Kraken  (Pyne)  tap dancing.
Australia's last  dire  action against the   Chinese will be to unleash  Pyne  in his  slimy Kraken  outfit  during secret  meetings of  top ranking Chinese naval  admirals   as  they draw up  more plans to   fill  in  the entire  South China  Sea .
After scaring  the bejesus out of  the  Chinese  Navy  , The Fixer will   return home  in  a  decorated  bumboat , a  national hero and take on the appearance of Freddo  Frog-Mission Accomplished to loud  cheers from  the  chamber . 

Rubber faced  Pyne available for  leading part  in   1934  movie Chu Chin Chow .