Thursday, February 28, 2019


The  weathered   lifebuoy  on  this  yacht in the Magnetic Island marina    could    not  only  save  somebody who  had  fallen  overboard  but   also  save  the souls  of   others  through its  very  unusual   name ,  The Joshua  C  .  The letter C  stands  for  Christ.

 In  other  religious news , an  area  of  land on the island  known  as the Pope's Land  , left to the Catholic church , is  up for  sale as  a  possible redevelopment    through expressions of interest by March 14 . Covering   slightly more than four hectares ,with three street frontages, one  opposite  the Nelly Bay supermarket and shops,it is near the  beach  and  close to the ferry terminal . 

 It is currently waterlogged  , a stream is running   through it , likely to  do so  for  weeks to  come . Included in the land are  several  clumps of  tall bamboo , one of which  threatened a  nearby house  . Townsville church  authorities   did  not   respond  to a  letter  about the  matter , so  a  trusty  chainsaw resolved  the  problem .    
Our  Shipping Reporter , the only one north of  Botany Bay , NSW,  drew our attention to another  interesting  yacht  , also  in the   Magnetic Island marina  , bearing a famous  Samoan   literary  name -Tusitala - bestowed   upon  Scottish novelist  Robert Louis Stevenson .   Stevenson , who wrote    Treasure Island , Kidnapped  and The Strange Case  of  Dr Jekyll and  Mr Hyde  , spent the last years of his life on an island  in Samoa , where he  was  given  the  name  Tusitala  (Teller of Tales )   by the islanders .  He died there , aged  44, soon after having difficulty opening  a  bottle of  wine  in  1894.