Saturday, October 27, 2018


The   large  portrait of    Australia's  feisty  first  Catholic  saint,  Mary  MacKillop , in  Townsville , North Queensland , continues to fade without anybody in authority taking remedial action . She has been fading  in the  tropical  heat  until  now it is hard to see any facial features . Also  dimming  are  the  Southern  Cross  stars  and  the  large caption  proudly declaring her   OUR AUSTRALIAN SAINT  . This blog  drew attention to this situation months ago  pointing out   the local media had failed to pick up this  obvious important  local story.
How the hell  this  situation has continued for so  long  without somebody springing  into action  to rectify the   fade out overlooking one of the city's busy  roads is hard to understand. But then  blessed Townsville  has   a long  record  of neglecting  important   war memorials  and  broken  major   community  clocks like those on the travel centre and  the old post office.  Forgetting  to  take  down    old advertising   signs  for  long gone  entertainment  is  another   sin  of  which  the (Protestant )  Queen  City  of   the  North  is  guilty.The Vatican may have to fly in Michelangelo   to  work his magic on   the portrait , if he  is not doing a  makeover  on the Sistine Chapel  ceiling  for  The Block  series  on  television .