Sunday, October 14, 2018


Another  S(h)ipping  Reporter Scoop .

While seeking medical advice in the Townsville  Hospital, the  crusty  waterfront roundsman  unexpectedly  stumbled  upon a  story into which   the  ABC  bashing brigade   would   love  to  get  their  vampire  teeth.

In involves  a  prominent ABC  presenter   being    caught  ogling  a  woman who  had been charged with  indecent  exposure  . Phew ! Just imagine what the Daily Telegraph , The Australian , the Coalition troglodytes  ,  Gerard   ,  Kenny  , Bolt , The  Parrot    and   others   will   do with  this   titillating   expose  once  it  is posted ?  

The name of  this lefty  ABC  celebrity caught in an embarrassing  situation  ? Don't be impatient . Did  I  mention  that  he had been sprung  by a nun ? No , sorry -really got  you  interested now .

Background    to the scoop    is  that  whenever the  sickly S(h)ipping Reporter   enters   the  Townsville  Hospital  main entrance  , he makes  a  bee line to the  books on sale  by  the helpful  volunteer ladies  .  On  his  latest  visit,  three   great non-fiction  finds were bought , one  The  Court  Reporter , by  another professional  ABC reporter, Jamelle Wells , published by ABC Books , this year .  As the nautical  scribe is  an old  media  hand, he  enjoyed  reading how she  got into  journalism  and  covered  many  interesting  court cases. 
Brace yourself   for  the  denouement . In a great anecdote  , which  reveals  the kind of people  who  work for   the ABC , she  told how  ABC News Channel presenter  Joe O'Brien  remembered  the  first court case he  attended   during work experience  at the above  Innisfail Advocate , Queensland, in 1983.  It  involved  a stripper  who had  come to town  and  got too much of  her gear off  in public , charged  with  indecent  exposure.

In Year 10 at the time , he went out the front   steps of  the courthouse  with the  media who were taking pictures of  her  standing near a column .  One of his teachers , a nun , happened by  and asked him if he was enjoying his  work experience . Yes, sister , was  his enthusiastic reply .


No sooner  had  the above  piece of golden prose  been posted, than through the Little Darwin  door  was delivered  a packet from the Queen of the Jungle who is cleaning out  her diverse  library. In  it was the  l983   Volume 1, Number 1 copy of  UP NORTH Queensland  magazine .

This  year, of course, was  the one in which schoolboy  Joe  O'Brien  eyed the naughty stripper outside the  Innisfail Courthouse . Leafing through the magazine , it is hard to understand  why  she was   charged with indecent  exposure as there are  several photographs  of    topless   girls  in  advertisements. 
Courthouse pose ? 
Topless  girls are  featured standing on the bow of  a yacht called  Bacchus  off Airlie Beach  and  a naked nymph  is silhouetted  in  an  Air  Queensland advertisement .