Thursday, April 5, 2018


CANBERRA : In breaking up news , it can be  revealed  that two competing  minstrel teams  will  fight it out to represent  Australia   in  the fabulous  Eurovision  Song Contest  in May .

One team , headed by Prime Minister  Malcolm Turnbull , is working  on the popular song   performed by  Americans  Bing Crosby  and The  Three Sisters   which accentuates the  positive  and  eliminates  all  talk of  the   rolling    negative  Newspoll   count .

With the PM standing on  a  podium , like  the king of swing,  leading the  chant ,  will  be  a  trio  of   female Liberals  ,  harmonising  like   the Three  Sisters.

 The Aussie sisters   are  the  Minister for  Jobs , Jabs  and Innovation ,  Senator  Michaelia  Cash , famous for  her song and dance  routines, serenading the CFMEU ; former  Howard  Government   minister  Amanda  Vanstone ,  dulcet voiced radio  presenter , siffleur  and  cheese  addict ;  the  Minister  for   Revenue  and  Financial Services , Kelly  O'Dwyer, with  a large repertoire of  lullabies .   

This  talented  group is  being challenged by a  motley pack of  male  Conservatives ,  in all shapes and sizes ,  varying  hair   dyes,   about  20 in number .  These rowdy boyos   experienced   an   unexpected  setback when  they had to change the band's  stage name   from The Score with a  Score to Settle,     due to a legal  problem and a visit from the AFP ,  to   the  Canberra  Bogong  Moths .

 The raucous  Moths  insist on rendering a  barroom version of  Ole King Coal Was a Merry Old Soul at the  Eurovision  contest. Two of  its adoring members are  pictured  here on  a  bicycle, with a flat tyre,  built  for  two  choir boys, heading  the wrong way up  a  one  way street.