Thursday, July 13, 2017


The  latest Eureka   moment  in the Little Darwin  den  was  the  arrival  of  this   1982   British  publication covering  Australian artists   , the cover  showing Koalas  against  a background of an apparent  coal fired  power station , in  which  well  known Top End   poster  artist, Aboriginal advisor and  activist , journalist and  euthanasia   campaigner,  Chips  Mackinolty , is  mentioned  along  with  one of  his early  posters.
Land rights poster on left includes Yirrkala woman demonstrating one of 200 string  figures she knows ; other an early Mackinolty and Jan Mackay work.

Produced by the Arts Council of Great Britain and the  Institute of Contemporary Arts, the  book  contains  a section dealing with posters  in  which it  mentions  Mackinolty  and his involvement  with the  radical  Earthworks Poster Collective of 1972-l979  , which operated  from the Sydney University   Art Workshop  known  as  the Tin Sheds.  From it  " a seemingly never ending  stream of leftist , feminist , politically astute , technically high quality , eclectic  and aesthetically  powerful  posters" were produced to  plaster  buildings  throughout  the   city.   
In 1977 the collective launched a  major poster exhibition called Walls Sometime Speak  which toured widely  and , readers are  told ,   catapulted  "political posters  " into national  prominence. Some of  Mackinolty's posters were against the  Vietnam War .

He  later moved to Townsville, North Queensland, where he became a   community arts officer ; then  onto the Northern Territory where his journalistic, poster and other skills were utilised  in many worthy  causes , including the Northern Land  Council  and  production  of  Aboriginal posters printed by  Redback Graphics . At one stage he spent time  in  Italy  and seemed to  drop  from  radar  until  he held an exhibition, Not Dead Yet .  He has clearly not cashed  in  his chips as  he was recently spotted strolling  about   Darwin .