Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Unusual variation of the Hippocratic Oath was used by a medico to describe the shortcomings of the Royal Darwin Hospital. It would be interesting to know what prompted this exceedingly colourful outburst . *** While on matters  medical , anybody who has regular dealings with the medical profession soon realises that case management , especially informing patients, who are human beings, not just numbers , needs an overhaul in this town, as well as elsewhere in the nation . *** It is highly desirable that patients be given a copy of ALL tests, rather than a verbal report as these documents  can reveal information not passed on by the professional . *** When it comes to changing the medication regime , it is also desirable that these instructions be given in writing , not verbally , as they are often given just as you are bundled out the door, sometimes with documents authorising further tests ,  procedures not  mentioned or properly explained  in the “consultation.”*** Doctors’ appalling handwriting – in this day and age surely a way can be found to overcome scribble . *** In pharmacies and diagnostic clinics it is not uncommon to hear staff  mutter when trying to decipher  prescriptions   and instructions ... “Bloody specialists!” heard on two occasions.