Wednesday, September 19, 2012


While still gracing Little Darwin with his illustrated Bulldust Diary series about his travels in the outback , the exceptionally talented Peter Burleigh has begun penning a similarly entertaining account of his latest adventure-sailing about French waterways with his wife, Judi . On reading Burleigh’s magical mystery tour , our learned readers will soon detect that he is a strange  mixture of the explorer  La Perouse , Captain Hornblower , Captain Bligh, Captain Cook, Sinbad the sailor, the great French writer and philosopher , Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike. To prove that Burleigh is truly exceptional, we tender as evidence the above  photograph of his latest acquisition , a Dutch built cruiser , bought in Britain,  which required an exceptional  convoy ( in French )  to transport it to water. The series, we are assured,  will  contain  handy hints on how to  go broke running a luxury vessel  and lashing out on great French  food and  wines.