Apart from keeping company with Australian Foreign Affairs Minister , Andrew Peacock (she took him UFO spotting on a date ), and falling asleep during a speech delivered by PM John Howard in the US , Shirley MacLaine, above, in the clutches of the Kooyong Kid, is famous for making numerous astral travel trips to mysterious galaxies. Little Darwin can report that Ms MacLaine disappeared after setting out to attend a recent dress up party staged by the lively Darwin Evergreens . A member went to much trouble gathering clothing and accessories from Darwin's bespoke Op Shop at the Uniting Church, Nightcliff , to present herself as Shirley MacLaine at the shindig . There was a short , shimmering frock , a bit like something girls wore in speakeasies , and a lot of work was put into making an elegant cigarette holder. While being driven to the knees up, for some strange reason, the woman was urged by a friend to be Lucille Ball of I Love Lucy fame , not MacLaine . OK. Why or what happened next is not clear but sounds like something out of The United States of Tara . Shirley Maclaine , now Lucille Ball, was further induced by someone dressed up as fruity Carmen Miranda to be Humphrey Bogart’s partner , Lauren Bacall . OK. Not unexpectedly , inappropriately dressed as Bacall, she failed to win a prize. Wherever you are - frequently transmogrified Shirley MacLaine- would you please call home as there is a lamb roast planned for tonight, or send Little Darwin a postcard.