Friday, April 2, 2010


Children at Royal Darwin Hospital were traumatised when a diseased Easter Bunny hopped through the wards handing out treats. Shocked parents said the rabbit was obviously suffering from myxomatosis as it had no ears. The RSPCA says the lolloping lapin was caught by a resident pest control officer with the help of a killer ferret and turned into a tasty fricassee treat for patients who don’t like fish.

Health Minister Kon Vatskalis apologised to the children for the mutated Easter Bunny and admits that the sight of a rabbit without ears must have upset the kiddies. He has given strict instructions to RDH staff to begin a rabbit eradication campaign within the hospital. Unless strong measures were taken to rid the hospital of rabbits it could become as big a problem as the feral possum plague in New Zealand, he added. All children still crying over the ugly Easter Bunny , hugging their teddy bears for security and wetting their beds, have been given a free chocolate bilby .

Now for something entirely different -an Easter Bunny type joke from Malaysia . A driver unsuccessfully attempts not to hit a rabbit which runs in front of his car. To his horror, he discovers that he has killed the Easter Bunny.

Upset, he is standing there crying when a blonde woman drives up and stops “I’ve killed the Easter Bunny ,” he tells her. Quick as a flash, she grabs a can from her car and sprays the dead bunny. It comes to life, hops off down the road , stopping every now and again to wave at them.

The astonished man asks what is in the can that the woman sprayed on the rabbit . She shows him the can : HAIR SPRAY –Restores life to dead hair and adds permanent wave.
Sorry about this, Thumper, we'll just disappear down our own odorous burrow and try and not crack any further corny jokes.