Thursday, October 1, 2009


Treasurer Delia Lawrie recently laid the economic facts of life on the line when she said further public service wage increases must be limited to no more than 2.5 per cent. In addition, she urged departments to reduce unnecessary expenditure, the hiring of expensive consultants and interstate trips .

Little Darwin understands the head of an important service, which has called in a consultant or two to discover the obvious deficiencies in his outfit , is in trouble for making an astonishing statement. In a rant at one of his staff, he claimed to have placed a vital part of his manhood on the economic chopping block to keep the show running . While this outburst may sound like great devotion to duty under fiscal fire , deserving a gold star stamp from Treasurer Lawrie, it also causes the average male to wince and hold back tears considering removal of that part of his anatomy .