Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Little Darwin is rejoicing  after  finding  the  above  l993 volume  with a special title page  drawing  depicting  a  swearing Gough Whitlam  and Paul Keating  seemingly in the form of the Statue of Liberty  delivering a rude fingers up gesture. 

The book  is  the title of a travelling exhibition of  cartoons  with an environmental theme  organised by   Townsville's Perc Tucker  Gallery  , curated  by  George Hirst . It   appears  to have been  a  presentation  copy  signed by   cartoonists   Sean Leahy  (The Courier Mail )  and   Patrick  Cook ( The Bulletin  , Independent  Monthly )   to    Magnetic  Island  artist , designer  and  ALP  activist  ,   Gavin  Ryan ,  featured  in  the   publication.

An inscription urges  Gavin to continue stirring   the  possum , which he used  to  do with cartoons  that appeared in  the  feisty island  newspaper,   The Magneto.  An example of  his  diverse  artistic  output , a welded copper public  installation ,   can  be  seen on  the   wall  inside  the   Magnetic  Island  ferry  terminal . 

In  Hirst's extensive  biographical  coverage of  the participating  cartoonists , he specifically  mentions   Ryan's  depiction  of  the  survival gear of  a  Barrier Reef  dugong -   armour plating,  net  scissors , location  marker  and  outboard  motor . 

  Floating  about   Magnetic Island  in a locked suitcase  is supposed to be  a T-shirt promoting Norman Gunston for Prime  Minister  which   Ryan , who had  a  studio at  Horseshoe  Bay,  designed . 

Gavin  , described  as  being  keen on  seeing  lacquered  squashed  cane toads   turned   into   sporting  and  art  objects, left  the  island , became closely connected  with the  Woodford  Folk  Festival,  producing  its  spectacular  annual  posters,  becoming  its  resident  artist.  He  also  became  involved  with   Bali  carvers.