Saturday, February 18, 2017


From  within the   Liberal  Broad  Church , with  its  Golden Lobby  on  the Hill  filled  with  soothsayers  , the word went out that  there  was  a  new  meaning and  future   for   sophistication . And  lo ,  there was a   flow of  sophistication  like a burst water main  throughout  the   warring  Coalition tribes  as  their  members   miraculously   paid    homage  to  the  One  Nation   Party ,  having  previously  treated   its  leader like   Joan  of  Arc  . 
 In  Western Australia , the   Liberals  were so  overcome by  the new  One  Nation    sophistication  they  decided  to share  the  fatted  calf   with it ahead  of  the  straw  chewing camp  followers, the   Nationals. The    sudden change in the  accepted   meaning of sophistication -except for "artificial" -  means   that 200,000  copies of the   Macquarie  Dictionary   will  have to be  pulped  to accommodate   the  new  interpretation .
The  stunning  sophistication of  One  Nation is  revealed by overwhelming  empirical evidence in  such  statements by  Queensland  candidate Shan Ju Lin , disendorsed  after  saying  gay people  need "conversion therapy "; Peter  Rogers  , axed, after  claiming  photos  of drowned Syrian boy Alan Kurdi , and the  Port  Arthur massacre ,  were  faked ; John Cox asserting  the 9/ll  attacks were staged  ; David  Archibald   attacking " lazy " single mothers .
In  Queensland , a  large number of  joined at the hip  Liberal National  sodbusters indicate/threaten   they might / will    defect and  become   sophisticated   One  Nation  members , partners . It  has produced   a  situation in the  Sunshine State  noisier  and  dustier ,  with  much bellowing  in the canefields ,  than  the  Calgary  Stampede .

Resurrected ,  due   to  a  large extent  because of the  failure of  Malcolm Turnbull   as  Prime Minister, he is  now completely emasculated by his own Coalition  factions and  sidekicks  ,  Pauline Hanson  expressed  admiration for Russian leader Vladimir Putin and shrugged  off  criticism of Russia's alleged role in the death of 38 Australians on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 by commenting that "everyone has done something," which  sounds like something dingbat   Donald  Trump  uttered . 

Meanwhile , there is an unconfirmed report  that  during his recent   trip to New Zealand desperate  Malcolm  Turnbull made a secret  deal with the Mongrel  Mob  to  paddle  across  the  Tasman  and give troublemakers in  the  Coalition a  greenstone   mere  massage .