Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Posted in  Little Darwin , January 21,  2022.

Following  the recent  post sparked by the in memoriam  notice  for   journalist  John  Loizou , who  died  nine years  ago ,  a   January  1980  file  emerged   about  the  managing  editor  of  the   Northern  Territory  News, John Hogan , complaining  about  an  item  in Scurrilous, a column for political  aficionados , in   the   independent   Darwin  Star , of  which  Loizou  was  editor  at  the   time .

 Scurrilous  upset  Hogan  by saying  he  had decided  to set  an  example for  his  staff  back at the  factory (newspaper)  by  dropping out of the  Friday Club, a " select team of   Darwin  businessmen and  upper echelon public servants " who  had  a leisurely lunch on that day  when  two  editions of  the paper-the  daily  and  the  weekender- were  being  produced . 

It went on to say :  Thoughtfully , Mr Hogan  has decided that it is not proper for him to be enjoying  the fleshpots while  his workers  gobble takeaways at  their desks  and  slip out  for a  furtive  shot  of  the  old  kickapoo juice ...if lucky.

Another member of the Friday Club , a top public servant, Martyn Finger, was also reported to be  thinking about  foregoing  the  Friday happy hour . 

With such selfless menScurrilous said  the Territory's  future was assured. 

Hogan, later to become   editor of the Townsville   Bulletin ,  responded by  writing a letter to the  Australian Press Council complaining about the "insulting and  abusive comment "- disguised  as fact , apparently with the express intention  of  ridiculing  him  and  disrupting  personnel relations  at  the  News.  

He believed the author  was  a member of  the  Australian  Journalists' Association  who had  committed a  serious breach of  the  AJA code of ethics.

The matters  , he  submitted, were  serious enough to warrant  Press Council adjudication. It was  pointed out  to  Hogan  the  Press Council  only dealt with  complaints  against  a  newspaper, not  the  author . 

Loizou was sent a copy of Hogan's  letter... this resulted in  Scurrilous  taking   another  bite  out  of  the   Friday  Club  and  the  NT  News .

It said Scurrilous was busily building a  fallout shelter , convinced there  will be no  peace  in  our  time due  to  Hogan's  response, his letter of complaint run in full .Then it  commented  that  it was amazing  that Mr Hogan  did not know how the  Press Council works. 

Scurrilous could be wrong , it continued ." Is  Mr  Hogan still attending the Friday Club?" Adding more spice to  the luncheon , Scurrilous  said it was    inclined  to write to  the Press  Council  drawing  attention  to "the moral decadence" displayed  at  the  NT  News.

The News , it added,  had been accused of  running sexist advertisements  and not so very long ago , the  newspaper  had  used  bits of  fishing line to lift  the skirt  of a  young  girl  so  that  her  knickers  could  be  photographed. 

Perhaps it was  more a case   for the Festival of Light than  the toothless  Press Council ? It  ended : Ho hum.