Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy  in white blankets and wearing a beanie  to protect himself from  the  Townsville University  Hospital  airconditioning, our waterfront scribe presented a strange apparition. Being called a cold frog by friendly  staff  nevertheless made him  feel  a bit of  a weirdo, which is  not far from the mark.

One night , going through his ablutions in the washroom  with the help of a  female nurse, he was startled to hear  a frog croak  from the direction of  the toilet bowl. Then it  was heard again , again. In Darwin back in the l950s,  he often showered in the old  tin bank Northern Territory News  washroom   with an  audience of  scores of  frogs lined up along the shower curtain , on the cistern  and  ledges  , which  protested loudly when the  toilet  was  flushed.Pythons dined on  the frogs.  

Feeling he had become frog fixated at the hospital  because the  nurses frequently referred to him as a miserable frog, he asked Nurse Nikki if  she also  had   heard  a  frog croak... Yes . She even seemed prepared to sign a statutory declaration  to the  fact.

However, the efficient  nurse seemed repulsed by the  reporter's   suggestion  she  run a  gloved finger under the lip of the toilet bowl to dislodge the  mysterious  swamp dweller. In a  further  frivolous suggestion, our man declared  the  frog would be  revealed as  one  with  registered nurse credentials . Joining in the madness of the  discourse, the nurse said, if that be the case,  the  frog would be immediately pressed into service as  they were short of staff that  night  and very busy .   

 Cocking an ear to the  toilet, the beached shipping reporter made a forensic examination of the short, sharp  croaks. He deduced they could  be  coming  from the arse-end of Donald Trump's Russian built reelection autocue or the Chinese bugged plumbing in the White House  West Wing/Wind.