Friday, May 11, 2018


Always on the look out  for  different  publications, oddities, items  a tad strange  ,  the   recent Little Darwin  safari   through  North Queensland  had   no second thoughts  about  buying  a  waterlogged   copy of  Townsville , poems  by  Harry  Cummins . Born    Townsville  , North Queensland , in  1961 , he  had spent most of his life in London , educated  there at University College, picking up a B.A. in English  and  an M.A. in Anglo-American Literary Relations ,working  as  a  teacher , journalist  and  a  civil servant . 
The  blurb  glowingly  referred  to  him as  an   outstanding new talent, bringing to mind  such writers as Walt Whitman, D.H. Lawrence , Ted Hughes , Gerard Manley  Hopkins , Stevie Smith and  Ogden Nash, yet with  an individual flavour  which is unique . It  went   on to say  the contents   comprised  a blend  of clear and  vigorous language , striking, sensuous imagery, and content  which is philosophical  and  exceptionally  original.
On the strength of this high praise  , it is  surprising  that  Townsville civic authorities have not  erected  a  fountain  in   his honour as  a reward  for  his contribution  to  literature  and spreading the  name of the Queen City of the  North  far and wide. Then again, Townsville  can't  look  after  its existing   public  fountains   and  war   memorials ( more later ).

This  1995 William Heinemann  book   mentions   Townsville  , hanky  panky  on   Magnetic Island ,  Zora  Cross , the Love  Poet  of  Queensland, artist Russell Drysdale  and  the  Dead  Heart  .
Discovered in  The  Book Lounge   in  Port  Douglas ,  always good for  a search , the slim volume, 77pp, could have been  through a  cyclone as it  had been exposed to moisture , as  they say in the book trade. As  a  result  , many of  its pages are  lumpy,  stained ,  mouldy . A  good  place  to  wet the whistle  in Port Douglas  is the  rusty looking Iron Bar , below,  not far from  the  bookshop , which could easily  inspire a  poem, such as The Man From Iron Bar .The man in the  photo is  a  hombre  from  Darwin . 
The  modern  city of Townsville   would  not  mind  being   somewhat mouldy as it  is on  water restrictions . It is located in  the  dry tropics and  is said  to  also be  in  a   rain  shadow .