Suddenly , elusive birds known as Swamp Pheasants , Coucals and Swamp Cuckoos have reappeared on Magnetic Island . One made a brief welcome appearance on the Little Darwin estate , then quickly fluttered away and hid.
In an attempt to lure the bird out into the open once more for a photograph , this blogger began making the usual whoop whoop calls to make it reappear , respond in voice . However, the definitive What Bird Is That , by Neville W. Cayley , says the bird's call resembles "Coop, coop" , or " Book, book." It seems I have been hitting the wrong note running about the district for years making whoop whoop noises , causing neighbours to stare at me .
Cayley further wrote that the bird is the only Australian Cuckoo that does not lay its eggs in nests of other birds and eats frogs, small reptiles , aquatic insects and the eggs and young of other birds .
Cayley further wrote that the bird is the only Australian Cuckoo that does not lay its eggs in nests of other birds and eats frogs, small reptiles , aquatic insects and the eggs and young of other birds .
One of the lucky birds is being looked after by wildlife carer Bev from the Mexican Restaurant who is feeding it on crickets .