Sunday, January 7, 2018


Magnetic  Kookas  Rules

Breaking  news for  Millennials . The latest , trendy  taste  treat  is  smashed  Rhinoceros  Beetle , one  about to  be  pulverised  by  a  gourmet  Kookaburra, above ,  on  Magnetic  Island .  
RECIPE : First catch one of  the  armour clad , struggling critters; with it  firmly held in you beak , fly to the veranda of a  high set house in Picnic Bay , proceed to bash it against the iron railing. Greedy  young  Kookas   in  nearby trees  will take an intense interest  in proceedings, sensing  they are  in  for  a  feed.
Bang! Bang! Bang!-the tenderising process  proceeds , without much success - a Hemingway big  game  shooting iron  seemingly the  ideal  kitchen utensil  needed . All  the smashing about  attracts other  mature  Kookaburras from  MKR. The Rhino , showing no signs of  softening up, falls  from  the beak  of  the sweaty   chef , unable to  handle  the  task  and  the  heat in  the outdoor kitchen .
It is  immediately pounced upon , above, by another Kookaburra who wanted to get in on the cooking act in front of  the TV cameras   , near the swimming pool , and proceeds  to  belt  the  beetle  against  the  brickwork . Eventually  the  beetle was  masticated   and  the successful   Kookaburra   appeared  later  to   burp .  
The  initial  clumsy chef , although kicked out of MKR,  was fed  some pieces of steak by the house owners as  a  consolation prize . It took one piece to some young  Kookas  who  nearly  fell out of the tree  trying to  get  the  morsel .