There are no factions, no back room deals in the broad church Liberal Party and Tony Abbott walked on water - great comedic patter by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at New South Wales Liberal conference , which caused groans of disbelief , jeers and panic in cigar smoke filled inner sanctums. It also clearly illustrates why he would have been a failure as an ambassador in Washington had he taken up the kind offer from his now marching to another drumbeat predecessor .
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Likely future view of new look Liberal Party stepping out in one adoring mass before PM's viewing podium at Sydney Opera House .
CANBERRA: Liberal Party Funk Bunker spin doctors have had secret talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in a frantic bid to get the party and entire nation marching together in strictly ballroom goose-stepping fashion while hysterically expressing admiration for our new Dear Leader.
Two average looney tune NSW Liberals, Heckle and Jeckle , said Turnbull's speech had also generated some real belly laughs . However , Heckle warned that with a christian name of Bligh, the PM should not make further similar speeches as this could bring on a mutiny in the rank ranks of the party .
Funk Bunker head spinster , Fritz von Waffleburger, said it would be wonderful if every man , woman , child , the David Rowe turkey and various factions in the Liberal Party could be induced at the end of a barrel to all march together into a glorious 21st century future, following PM Turnbull at the wheel of the Volkswagen diesel tank.
Waffleburger pointed out that PM Turnbull and Kim Jong un's father were alike in some ways . Kim's daddy, for instance , liked live lobsters air lifted daily to him while he travelled about China and Russia in an armoured train ; Malcolm loves yabbies .
While Malcolm established a political fashion trend by wearing a leather jacket , the late Kim Jong-il , not only promoted a personality cult, the obedient North Korean News Service, which some extreme Liberals want the ABC to copy, said his distinctive clothing set world wide fashion trends .