Friday, October 9, 2015


CANBERRA : Pithy  pundits  throughout  the  nation,especially in the Liberal Party Funk Bunker, are stunned  by the sensational  Little Darwin  scoop that jettisoned and banished former thespian  prime minister , George  Dubya Abbott , wearing  a Shaun Micallef  rubber  face mask , above , will  play the title  role  in  a new ABC  TV  smash hit  , The Ex-Prime Minister .  ABC chief, Mark Scott , rolling on the floor with laughter , muttering  something about revenge being  sweet,  today told our entertainment  roundsman, Argus Tuft, that Abbott begged  for  a job at the  national broadcaster, saying nobody else  had  offered him  a  position since he had  been  cast adrift  by his  bog  buddies . Abbott , he added , had offered to throw in a swag of  squawking shockjock mates , now redundant,  as  non-speaking   extras  in  the  series  for  free  to  help ABC  funding .