Now that Queensland has gone completely bananas , there may be a requirement to extend an unusual Tasmanian tourist attraction- the Village of Lower Crackpot . It is part of a popular maze and model village-TASMAZIA- created by dairy farmer Brian Inder on his Staverton property , near Lake Barrington. Each building , built to one-fifth scale , is connected with a person and one states former Queensland Premier, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen , is the Member for Lower Crackpot.
Represented as an ivory tower, it bears Sir Joh’s face on what is supposed to be his electoral office , open 9am to 5pm. A woman-Lady Flo?-can be seen through a window sitting at what appears to be a typewriter. Animal like figures can be seen in other windows, one seemingly a pig . The Liberal Party building adjoins . The Village of Lower Crackpot website could inspire the tattered remains of the Queensland ALP when it states :
The village is dedicated to all those in middle life who, in this new economic age, are “adjusted” out of their jobs, professions, businesses, farms, careers and thrown onto the economic scrap heap, there to start again, someway, as happened to its creator, Brian Inder at age 54. The village is meant as an inspiration to these people - you can pick yourself up and succeed in a new life, you can thumb your nose at the “new order” and still have a ball.