Thursday, August 18, 2011


To capitalise on the new mean spirit of Australia, the federal Opposition today announced it will launch a national airline with the catchy slogan WING YOUR WAY WITH SFA if its blitzkrieg against Canberra is successful. The Tories refuse to reveal what the letters SFA stand for.A heel- clicking member of the Opposition said it definitely did not mean SWEET FANNY ADAMS , the origin of which was grisly and the subject of sick British navy humour.

SWEET , however , could be the first word in the airline’s name, he admitted. We leave it to our learned readers to suggest the full meaning . A free packet of French lettuce seeds, gift wrapped and delivered COD by Air Egypt , will be awarded to the person who comes up with the most innovative suggestion .

Little Darwin’s aviation correspondent, Bruce Bigglesworth , points out that the Pommie airline SFA used to fly through Darwin decades ago. It was the subject of a large Paul Rigby drawing in the Hotel Darwin’s Hot and Cold Bar , now a venue for visiting Irish river dancers.