Monday, December 15, 2008


After the avalanche of gloom and doom , it was inspiring , uplifting and exhilarating to see the 25th annual NSW Schools Spectacular on ABC television . The choreography, costumes, enthusiasm , music and talent lifted spirits. It showed, yet again, the youth of this nation can knock the socks off much of the mass produced commercial crud churned out overseas and nationally . The confident performers doing the bushrangers routine, the dazzling 3000 - strong acts and involvement of handicapped enthusiasts were memorable. Also of particular note was the special Anzac tribute . It is earnestly hoped that the youth of Australia who participated in the show do not get involved in any future crazy wars.

The special tribute to guest, Rolf Harris , who compared the first three spectaculars, was brilliant. Rightly so, the teachers from all over the state who worked hard over the year to get the show on the road were called onto the stage and thanked. Here in the Territory, where teachers have been in tough, prolonged negotiations with the government , disparagingly referred to as chalkies in the media and abused from time to time by hillbilly and aggressive parents , many of them probably felt NSW was another planet.