Monday, August 5, 2024


 Modern  female reporters  look  fairly  drab compared with  this  1898 concept  of  what   fair  sex  reporters  looked   like  on  the  beat,  dressed in dazzling  red .

The  guide  to  journalism  , by  A. E. Bennett (1867-1931),  published in  London  and New York: John Lane,The Bodley Head,  is  in the latest  list  of  Douglas Stewart Fine Books, Melbourne, for $750. 

Arnold Bennett was a leading journalist and novelist of the 19th and early 20th century.

 The book  contains  advertisements  and  is  described as a  beautiful  copy.

It covers :  The secret significance of journalism -- Imperfections of the existing  woman- journalist -- The  roads  towards  journalism -- The aspirant -- Style -- The outside contributor -- The search for copy -- The art of corresponding with an editor -- Notes on the leading  types of papers -- "Woman's  sphere" in  journalism .