Friday, August 9, 2024



An unusual  postcard - Greetings From CAMOOWEAL Q.-showing Australian Aborigines in full regalia  posing  at  the  roadhouse   vehicle service station  ,along with AMPOL oil signs ,  was recently found by our Shipping Reporter  in Townsville.

It had been posted on December 30, 1972 by Queenslanders , having experienced  "monstrous" heat , about  to  head   for  Darwin in the Top  End .

The  roadhouse  owner , said to have been nicknamed Crockett, possibly after  Davy Crockett, King of  the American  Wild  Frontier, who wore  distinctive   headgear,  is  visible  in  a   hat   looking  out  from  the   dark   doorway   at   the  right .

Nowadays you  can buy online  Davy Crockett  hats made from skinned  raccoons and fox  fur .