Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Inspired  by  the  Tokyo  Olympics ,  our wandering  wildlife photographer  Vallis  has  been  sprinting about  early  in the  morning , in   his   night  attire  ,  chasing   butterflies  with  a  camera ,frightening horses in the process .  Like  Olympic diving ,  there  are  degrees of difficulty involved in  the gruelling    butterfly  steeplechase. 

These  include  running  into  numerous, large  spiderwebs  woven  during  the night  between  trees  to  catch  tasty  moths , kicking  a   rock  with a  gouty big toe ! , causing  a  painful  exclamation which  sounds  like  the  war cry of  a  Samurai  warrior , treading  in  something  smelly that  is  annoyingly  carried inside . All  this running about  like  a   rabbit   also  upsets  nesting  Curlews , who  hiss  and  screech.

It must be admitted that  he  does  get some arty  snaps  which  would  inspire Picasso  when  the taunting , fluttering   butterflies  finally  settle  for  a  short  time.