Sunday, September 6, 2020


 Before he was  carted off to Townsville  University Hospital in a helicopter , our Shipping Reporter said he had many offbeat  stories to be written for this  blog. During his  time in hospital he has  nearly filled  a notebook with  more ideas   from talking  to  patients, staff ,  frequent listening  to  Radio National , browsing through an Australian and New Zealand  encyclopedia and other books  in the sub acute care unit  collection .

In a surprise and very welcome   telephone call  from Melbourne, journalist, publisher,former  ALP politician   Pete Steedman  suggested that  if  he  and  our  waterfront roundsman were  30 years younger  they could buy a defunct northern  Murdoch paper  for a  $1 and shake up the  nation . As the Shipping Reporter  was  not certain  if  his  leg would be amputated  and Pete  can  only see out of one eye,they  did not seem like a pair of new dynamic media tycoons.

The Shipping Reporter nearly fell out of bed with surprise  when   he received the above card of  a proboscis   monkey, a Borneo swinger,   wishing  him a speedy recovery in one piece.The senders ,friends who spend much time in South East Asia, would not know  the significance of such a big nosed critter to the reporter. 

The late and  great crusading editor James Frederick  Bowditch ,inducted posthumously into the Australian  Journalism Hall of Fame last year,had a prominent nose.

 While fighting against the Japanese as a member of the Z Force Special Unit,Bowditch came across the monks; friendly locals with whom he worked renamed the primates "Bowditch monkeys."

 Before the invasion of Tarakan,Bowditch paddled in with a Malay operative to reconnoitre,killed an enemy guard with a butt blow to the chin from  his American carbine , but then mutilated him with  knife to make out it had been a native attack, not a member of the invading Allied force. 

That bloody act played on his mind in later years,led to heavy drinking. 

Starting a newspaper career in Alice Springs, he went on to edit the Northern Territory News,hid Malay pearl divers and stayput Portuguese sailors, backed  Aboriginal landrights, fought for underdogs,campaigned to stop the RAAF using Quail Island as a bombing range ,opposed the White Australia policy and wrote powerful editorials . He even found time to outrageously diagnose a nasty looking  red  rash  in  a thirsty  Darwin vicar's groin.   "Doctor  Big Jim Bowditch"   and famous nose at  book launch  below.

Years later , his notable nose featured in an unusual act when helping a former Darwin fireman, Peter Hood,do some concreting.Wrapped in plastic, the noble snozzle  was pressed into the wet cement so that its outline  was kept  for  posterity. 

The Shipping Reporter said he seems to recall that a billygoat may have chased Bowditch during the concreting, but he is not sure.