Monday, November 12, 2018


Resting  bat/scribe
Extremely large  numbers  of  flying  foxes  are  descending on  Magnetic Island each night . They  appear   to  be  coming  from  the  mainland .  A  longtime  island resident  says  she  has  never  seen  them, also known as fruit bats , in   such  numbers. Wave  after  wave  are  seen in  the  sky, followed by  screeching and rustling in  trees   as  they  go after  pawpaws , mangoes, bananas  and  any  form of  blossom . It  has been speculated that because of past  fires  and dry conditions   in   and around   Townsville , land clearance ,  the  bats  are  attracted to the island . It is not known  if  a  power  blackout  on  the island  of   more than  two   hours , not picked up by the mainland  media, which seems to  hang  about  in  an upside down, sleepy  news  bramble  patch  ,  was  caused   by   bats .