LONDON : There are strong rumours in the book trade that Darwin’s "Rubbish Warrior", Trevor Jenkins, has been hired to redesign the front cover of a reprint of William Faulkner’s controversial 1929 novel THE SOUND AND THE FURY. As seen above in this Penguin Modern Classic , the front cover is nowhere as artistic as the hundreds of creative sculptures Jenkins makes just about every day with rubbish picked up on footbaths and verges. The above cover is a detail from The Scarecrow by Andrew Wyeth in the National Collection of Fine Arts,Washington. In Darwin, it has been described by one dismissive Long Grass art critic, residing at Mindil Beach in a make believe attic , as consisting of an old Bunnings garden stake to which is attached a crooked stick or two used by Lady Chatterley’s lazy gardener, with shredded pieces of toilet paper being blown away by the knock 'em down winds. No Aussie bird would be frightened off by such a feeble looking scarecrow, he sniffed , using his beret to swat mosquitoes .