Australia’s most successful political tot kissing machine ?
Royal Darwin Hospital is bracing itself for an outbreak of baby kissing now that campaigning is well and truly off and slobbering in the Territory Legislative Assembly August election.
Worried Dr Spock told Little Darwin that politicians cannot keep their hands off innocent babies in election years. Already the Monster for Mumps , Measles and Mucous had been seen juggling and kissing 10 newborn infants at once , two of which fell on their noggins , in the maternity ward . And a few days earlier another politician had interrupted bedpan duties , with disastrous results , while handing out yucky Easter eggs in the children’s ward as he flashed his kissing tackle at the never- been- kissed media pack . Twitchy Doctor Spock said 10 obstetricians had resigned rather than face the remainder of the year dealing with the strain of the inevitable spike in the number of cases of baby eczema and thrush –all due to pollies kissing babies and their mothers in supermarkets.
The Chief Monster was recently seen in the company of a baby at Nightcliff, his lips salivating , promising a free bucket of Nappy-San and a giant serving of Chinese junkets for the mothers of all babies born this year.
The Chief Monster was recently seen in the company of a baby at Nightcliff, his lips salivating , promising a free bucket of Nappy-San and a giant serving of Chinese junkets for the mothers of all babies born this year.
Another pollie who looks like Satchmo around the cake hole is so keen to kiss anything which moves that he was seen pashing the bottom of the Mandorah ferry when it was pulled up onto the hard for barnacle and oyster scraping. As a result of this passionate obsession he was rushed to RDH with severely lacerated lips and is on a 44-gallon intravenous drip of castor oil and licorice . Not even his Mum would dare kiss him on the b*m in his present state.