Saturday, June 19, 2021


 ScoMo's   lollyboy   fruitloop    tour  ends   in   messy  meltdown  in  hermetic    Canberra   Bubble   

Scomo  and  British PM  Boris Johnson exchanging  confectionery  and pouring  other  PR   after  dinner mints  into  each other's  pockets.   Boris was  found  to  be  suffering from a severe  scalp infection , which could affect  the   entire  Australian Merino  wool exports  to  the  UK if brought back  to  Canberra  .

It  could also threaten the  emerging  Australian  cottage industry of DIY  merkin  knitting  in  regional  areas  , encouraged  in  the  recent   budget . 

This is the real  reason why Scomo  is  in quarantine in the  national  capital  after  his   multiple  overseas  photo  opportunities ,during which he was given the  elbow in discussions   of  real  importance .  Being locked in the Lodge  also  prevents  him  from  holding  face  to  face  meetings  with  warring  National  Party  members  who  are  spitting at each other , and  Libs , like   Central  Australian   feral   camels  about  to  be trucked off  to  a  knackery .

Our leper .

 Mark  Knight of  the Herald Sun deserves  a  gift pack from  the   Cadbury factory for  this  cartoon likening   the  G7  and a  fringe  group  busker  with  the  WWll  Yalta  conference . 


In the case  of the inimitable   David Rowe , of the Australian Financial Review , in a brilliant play on (black)  coals to Newcastle , he  portrayed ScoMo  with  a   Qanon looking  beast , from  the Coalition  think  tank farm , posing  with scruffy   Boris, and  Daisy , not  his newly married   wife, outside  Number 10  ,  in  an obvious   advanced  state  of  foot  and  mouth .  These and  other  cartoons  were  run  in  the latest    ABC  TV  Insiders , in the  wonderful   Mike Bowers  Talking Pictures  segment . 

UPCOMING :  A   secret  French  weapon  to  be used  in  the  next  Australian election