From his vast , untidy files , Australia's top award winning political reporter , Argus Tuft, has plucked old photos and put together an offbeat scrapbook dealing with Queensland voting patterns ; this is the first in a dynamic must read election series .
In those innocent , sun drenched barmy days in the Banana State before journalist Mathew Condon wrote three books which revealed the massive corruption that had existed for nearly half a century , the above , unknown , clean cut candidate had a strong message for people who wear white shoes and support Moral Rearmament Party fund raising parties , like the one below. The comment by the snappily dressed man attending the bunfight was quickly expunged from social media and the CWA Monthly .
Further irrational voting advice is given in the following advertisement run in the Murdoch Townsville Bulletin as recently as May 3 , which puts the boot into Labor and the Greens . It warns of them thar Foreign Activists , Chinese solar panels and scoffs at" University Academics" and those who serve foreign latte drinkers .
In the same paper is an odd full page advertisement, part reproduced below , authorised by the Burdekin District Canegrowers Limited , Ayr, addressed to Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszcuk , in which "concerned farmers" call on her to intervene and reinstate Professor Ridd at James Cook University , which seems to indicate doubt about climate change in the sugar belt .