Friday, May 10, 2019


Shipping  Reporter's  latest  indictment .
The  scene of  neglect  at the  Coral  Sea  Battle   memorial in Townsville's  Anzac  Memorial Park  on May 9 . The anniversary of the  monumental battle  which  marked a major turning point in the  Pacific  had   passed   a   week  earlier   with    about   six   paragraphs   in   the Townsville  Bulletin .  
Just inside the  main  entrance  to  the  park , on the same day , in the afternoon ,  a   sign  relating to  the "Labour  Day March "   starting  and finishing on The Strand  Park  was  visible on the ground , apparently  there   for days . In the background  was the still  not  functioning  fountain  celebrating  Queensland  breaking  away from colonial  NSW . After the Shipping  Reporter   revealed   the  slimy  condition of  the bottom chamber  of the fountain, it  was  cleaned  a few  days before  Anzac Day , starting  to  turn green  again , leaves building up .  More  site  details and  photographs  later . 
This  unsatisfactory situation    repeatedly  shows  Townsville   cannot  get   its   act  together  to  organise  a   DAILY check of  major public   military  sites. These  military memorials   are  local  and  national shrines  and as such  demand close attention .  
The  latest  check  of the   malfunctioning   Victory  in  the  Pacific  memorial   fountain    found  a  hubcap and  other  rubbish  in  the  leaking structure .