Kookaburras during tucker time at Queen's residence |
It is with great pride we announce that Little Darwin has been appointed aide- de-camp to the limp falling Queen of the Jungle. She turned up on our doorstep all shook up after tripping , rocketing forward, denting a car panel (with her head ? ) , hurting her wrist and collecting assorted abrasions. The ambulance was called , she went off to the after hours clinic and now has a wrist held in a permanent splint , facing a possible operation on a thumb .
Larry the cussing Lorikeet , boarding with the Queen , took one look at her the day of the accident and sympathetically muttered,"Bugger ! Bugger! Bugger !"
In her incapacitated state , the Queen of the Jungle, by proclamation, made Little Darwin her chauffeur and carrier when she goes shopping for items bought in bulk to feed a large part of the Magnetic Island wildlife-Curlews , Lorikeets , Galahs , Cockatoos , Kookaburras, Plovers and assorted troublemakers like Crows , Currawongs , a Dodo or three .
Galahs waiting for royal dinner gong .
A typical outing with the Queen involves pushing a shopping trolley about a supermarket and at her regal direction picking up two 8kg bags of dried dog food (soaked before put out for the flocks ), four large meat rolls ( beef and chicken ), several packs of bananas on special - for her Possums , some of which disturb the nesting Curlews and slumber at the Little Darwin sanitarium .
The Queen is then driven home with this pile of tucker , the dog food pellets put into a large barrel so that it can be scooped out with her good hand , rolls go into the frig .
Little Darwin arranged for Her Most Germanic Majesty to be driven about Townsville so that the painful wrist and other vital parts could be x-rayed . She responded by taking the forelock tugging bloggers to Otto's famous eatery where a mushroom pie and latte went down the driver's hatch while she wolfed into the Black Forest Cake , which made her homesick .
Cheeky Larry has offered to tap the Queen's thumb with his new toy - a hammer -in a bid to straighten out her wrist . He is so pampered by Her Majesty that each morning , as they listen to Fran Kelly on Radio National , she feeds him with Greek yoghurt on a solid silver spoon she was given as a child back in Germany .
A bone density test carried out on the Queen , believe it or not, has revealed she has the bones of a 40 year older , which she attributes to having lived on a German farm when she was young, drinking lots of milk... as if it was the teetotallers' answer to the Munich Beer Festival .