Saturday, November 7, 2015


Big lolly part ?
LONDON: In stunning breaking news  it  has   been revealed  the ousted  Australian  PM , George W. Abbott , will play the  part of a clumsy James Bond type fighting  man   who literally  drops in  on  many Middle East  conflicts  in a brilliant advertising  campaign  for    new crunchy  confectionery-catchily  named  the Super Nutty  Thatcher Bar-which dentists warn  will undoubtedly  make  fillings  fall  out.
The Thatcher  Bar  promos  will be similar  to  the   Snickers adverts  in  which  Mr Bean  falls through  a  roof and  drops  in  on  angry Kung Fu warriors  armed  with  razor-sharp  Wilkinson Sword   crumpet  cutters.
The Thatcher  Bar  Corporation’s  chocolate coated  PR chief , Chauncy Thistlewaite ,  said  Mr  Abbott proved he was a martial arts expert  when he recently delivered the second   Margaret  Thatcher  lecture in London , attired like a posh judge in the X-Factor. 
The audience  , many sporting stiff  starched   dickies, got   the impression   Europeans should   Kung  Fu kick  refugees   back  into the  sea , or Nauru , Manus , Scambodia , Tierra del  Fuego , St Helena , Father Damien’s  holiday  home in the Pacific,  soon to inundated by  rising   seas - partly  due  to  natural  global warming  but  mainly  because of voluminous  hot air  from  Australia’s raucous  shockjocks.