Friday, January 8, 2010


PARIS: Royal documents found in a secret panel at the Palace of Versailles have destroyed a jibe by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott that not even the Sun King , Louis XIV, had travelled in the grand fashion that Prime Minister Rudd and his large entourage did flying to Copenhagen in a 747.

The letters, held together by one of Marie Antoinette’s diamond studded garters, reveal that her husband , Louis XVI , actually made repeated flights to Copenhagen in the world’s first aircraft - a gold plated flapping machine built by the genius, Henri Bleriot , in a bid to save his neck .

His spin doctor, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, told him the polls were looking decidedly grim and he would have to do something on a grand scale to save La Belle France from exploding. The anxious king discussed the matter with Marie Antoinette who said the smelly, starving peasants would soon forget their worries if given stale cake.

But Louis had heard about fabulous Danish pastries sold in Copenhagen which were the talk of European aristocracy. To provide each hungry Frenchman with a bag of pastries, Louis commissioned Bleriot to build the world’s first squadron of biscuit bombers . That is why the Palace of Versailles has such long , featureless lawns –they were actually runways for the King’s Copenhagen pastry run .

Unfortunately, the palace courtiers repeatedly got on the booze in Denmark and came back with cheaper pizzas , not dainty pastries . The French peasants took one look at the pizzas and declared they would not eat Italian junk tucker , which they said was even worse than English food that usually tasted like the boiled boot of the Duke of Wellington. Chop,chop. Chinese takeaways then reigned throughout France.