Sunday, January 5, 2025


While it  may be  considered  blasphemous  to  mention  the  jumbled  files  of   Darwin  agronomist and  relentless   activist   Robert Wesley-Smith with  the  divine   Dead Sea Scrolls , we  do  so  because  of   his    latest  discovery  of   yet   another  carton  of   interesting   material .

The Dead Sea Scrolls,which contained  Jewish  manuscripts  written on parchment , paper and   copper,  were  found in West Bank caves  over  10 years.

Wesley-Smith  has  been excavating his dusty files, in suitcases,  cardboard  boxes , bookshelves   and  computer ,  which   includes correspondence  with  the  former US  President Jimmy Carter  over   East Timor , and  a  rare , large  collection of  protest  T-shirts , for what seems to be  almost  half  a   century .

Just recently , he  informed  this  blog that he had found yet another   carton of  old  documents  and  some forgotten  diaries  which will help him resume writing  his memoirs.   It seems   there   were   pictures of  him speaking  to  a  police  office  at  a  l999  East Timor demonstration  in  Darwin  .

Little Darwin readers may recall   photographs  of  Wes-also known as Rural  Rebel Rob-being manhandled by security  in Canberra  during  the 1970  visit of  American  Vice - President  Spiro T. Agnew who was on  an  Asia-Pacific Tour .

RRR is  seen  below , on  the left, in glasses, coming to grips with the situation .  On  that  occasion, a  kind lady armed with an umbrella  went to  his  assistance, as  did  others,  to try and  prevent him being   hauled away .  

Apart  from continuing to  dig up  the past , Wes , in recent weeks, has been  raising  the  plight  of  West  Papua ,  the   need  for a   Julian Assange  pardon by  President  Biden before  he  exits  ,  several   environment   issues  and  alerted  council  to  dangerous  potholes in  the  Darwin  rural area ; he also attended  the  Cyclone Tracy 50th  anniversary.  

(Scrolls, Rebel, Carter.)