Sunday, August 18, 2024


Our waterfront roundsman spent the weekend relentlessly searching for  nautical  treasures,  mermaids, assorted  oddities  and  other  collectables  in  Townsville   during   the   weekend .

One item he was pleased to find at the Mundingburra State School  monthly market, in a collection of  postcards  described as  Oriental , was   the  above  interior  view  of   Darwin's  Chinese Temple. 

Our  Shipping  Reporter says he  was  actually present in Darwin in  the l960s when  the  Chinese "Joss House " , which  had  been  closed  and  looted during  WWll , reopened in an impressive ceremony in which gods were installed along  with  new imported  temple  fittings.

 Filled  with  great expectations, he  bravely attended the   Book  Fair inside the Willows supermarket where   eager   bookies were  lined  up early  in droves, some  with shopping  trollies , others with backpacks  and   assorted  other  containers.

He  said  the throng  surged forward like the Spanish armada  when  it  opened . 

The  vast  array  of  books  included many which appeared    to  be  in  mint  condition, mainly  novels . 

However, our jostled  man managed  to  snatch  three non-fiction volumes   about the  Royal Navy's   aircraft carrier Ark Royal which sank the Bismarck  and was itself sunk by a German U-boat soon after ; the biography of rich, flamboyant , womaniser   botanist  Sir  Joseph Banks , who sailed with Captain Cook ;  the history of telecommunications across  Australia , in which   Darwin  and  the  Northern Territory  were  well  covered .

There  were  other  temptations  sighted  in the melee  , but  the   Shipping  Reporter  , mindful of  a Townsville Bulletin   report warning of  a whooping  cough  outbreak , decided  to  make a strategic  retreat from the crowd  before   being   hit  by  a   stray   torpedo  or  a  nasty  virus .  

On  close  examination of   his  buys  at home he  was  surprised  to  discover  that  the Sir Joseph Banks  book    had  once  belonged to  someone who  had  the same  surname as the watery  scribe .  A  missing  link? 

The  well- illustrated  telecommunications  volume  had previously belonged  to a person  with  the  same  surname  as that  of   a  former  Townsville  resident  who had  a  pre-loved  coffin  in   his   loungeroom , in which he  used  to  cavort , a  bit  like  Ray  Martin .  

Still keen to  unearth more treasures , the Shipping Reporter  went on  an  op  shop  trip  and   turned up  the two volume   Donald  Bradman  Albums   and  The  History of  the  South  Australian  Cricket  Association  .

While  no  mermaids were  found , he  did  spot a  few  more seahorse wall hangings at   Mundingburra.     

 (Shipping, Townsville, Postcards .)