Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 There was  a  wide ranging  weekend  display  of  Timorese  culture   and history  which  included   some of  the large  collection of  East Timor freedom struggle  T-shirts  built up by  Darwin agronomist and activist  Robert  Wesley-Smith who  was  in  attendance  . 

Shown above inspecting the T-shirts at the Portuguese and  Timorese Social Club is Lurdes Pires, a prominent member of the Darwin Timorese   community. 

 A filmmaker, she   was a  director of  the 2022  Circle of Silence  ,based on the  Walkley Award   winning   book   by Shirley Shackleton which   investigated the murder of the  Australian based  news  team at Balibo   during  the Indonesian   invasion  of  Portuguese  East Timor  and the subsequent  cover  up .

Shackleton's  husband, Greg, a Channel 7 reporter , was  one of the   five  murdered. 

Pires knew  Australian journalist Roger East , in Darwin , when he was employed  by  the   Darwin  Reconstruction Commission , set up by the Whitlam Government  after  Cyclone  Tracy,  at first headed by Sir Leslie Thiess , from which  East  resigned , went to Timor to help the  Fretilin resistance  movement,   and  was  shot  and  thrown  into the   sea  at Dili .

Wesley-Smith  subsequently re-enacted  that event in  Darwin, taking the part  of  East .   

The display included photographs , Timorese   textiles , artwork    and even  Wes's  pumpkin  which won first prize at the  recent Darwin  Show . It was   rolled  out of  the way under a  table covered   with  Timor  books  .

On Sunday night , Wes  attended a Timor- Leste  Government sponsored  function  held in the Convention Centre .   He  took along   the Order of Timor - Leste sash  and  medal   he   and  his  twin brothers, Martin and Peter ,   had each  been  awarded  in  Dili  for  supporting  Timor in the long  battle . Wes  also  has  a  Princess Grace Kelly  medal  awarded  for  helping   refugees   from   East  Timor . 

There had been a proposal to  display the celebrity   pumpkin  at  the  event , but it  seems the  bouncing  melon  failed to  turn up . However, a local bishop and  a cardinal who flew in  from Timor- Leste  with other officials  attended .  

From his extensive  files  , oft mentioned in this blog  and followed up , Wesley-Smith  produced two  poems about the long  East Timor  struggle for freedom .

One deplored  Australia's stance in  the East Timor battle and was composed by  another  of his brothers, the  late  Jerry  Wesley-Smith in 1992. 

The  other , written by Wes in l978 ,  a  parody  of  the   American  national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner  , was scathing  of  the USA  supplying Indonesia  with  Bronco  ground attack  aircraft which  were  used  against Timorese  freedom  fighters. 

UPCOMING: Fascinating  plans for a distinctive  musical   about  Darwin's involvement in  the  East  Timor struggle  which might include  some of the late  Martin Wesley-Smith's cutting edge electronic music  making techniques.
